Employment Training


FCC Employment Training Program

FCC Employment Services supports the member’s purpose through job training skills. Members will have opportunities to build their job training skills through hands-on classroom and community learning experiences. While growing in knowledge members will learn to work within their community. They will contribute directly to the community by participating in group and individual work projects.


Support for Employment by Service:

  • Transition to Employment  (TTE) through the development of job skills through a hands-on learning experience and in a classroom setting. Members will learn the skills necessary to be successful in future jobs out in the community.

  • Group Supported Employment (GSE) by performing purposeful work together alongside others to complete jobs that help the community.

  • Employment Support Coaching (ESA) will assist members at their place of work by providing a job coach thus promoting positive work behaviors.

  • Individual Supported Employment (ISE) will assist the member looking for employment by job searching together and coaching through areas of growth.


Vocational Worksites

Mad Hatter Party Rentals

Website: madhatterpartyrentals.com


Disability Benefits 101 

Gives you tools and information on health coverage, benefits, and employment. You can plan ahead and learn how work and benefits go together. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: If I get a job can I have a job coach?


Yes, it is possible to have a job coach which will mentor you onsite with your job duties.

Question: ​I want a job but don't know what type of job I want?


​Employment training will include job assessments that will help determine what type of job you may enjoy.

Question: ​Can I go to the Day Program and also do Employment Training?


Yes, FCC offers our Day Program and Employment Training in the same facility. Members can participate in both services in the same day!

Question: ​I receive SSI can I still work?


​Yes! Please go to az.db101.org for more info on how work and benefits go together.